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Looking to contribute to our cause but uncertain where to begin?

Consider donating to seize this fantastic opportunity to offer your support. It's an excellent way to make a difference for adults and teens in need. Every contribution, no matter how small, aids us in teaching life-saving skills.

Your donation to Palm Pushers CPR will enable us to offer free or low-cost CPR courses to low-income adults aspiring to work in the medical field and within the community. Additionally, your support will extend to young adults aged 14-17 who cannot afford babysitter training or CPR certifications for activities like Girl Scouts, employment, or meeting school requirements.

These donations will further assist our business in remaining active within the community, providing the necessary funds for acquiring essential equipment, supplies, and learning materials.

We appreciate any and all donations.

Thank you!

Support Our Cause

Thank you for helping us make a difference!

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